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Salt & Vinegar Cucumber Chips

Salt & Vinegar Cucumber Chips

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1 cup white vinegar

1 Cucumber

Salt to taste (approximately 1 tsp)


  1. Slice your cucumber into even thin slices. I like them to be about ⅛” to ¼” each. You can do this according to your preference. 
  2. Put your cucumber slices into a bowl and add the 1 cup white vinegar. Soak for 1 hour. 
  3. After your cucumber slices have soaked, preheat your oven to 200 degrees.
  4. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper (wax paper or foil will work too). 
  5. Lay out the vinegar soaked cucumber slices on the cookie sheet. 
  6. Sprinkle the tops of each cucumber slice with salt.
  7. Bake at 200 for 3-4 hours. Cooking time will vary depending on thickness.
  8. After 1 1/2 hours, flip your cucumber chips and sprinkle the other side with salt. This will prevent them from sticking to the parchment paper as they cook.
  9. After 3 hours, check for crispness. These do crisp up some after they are removed from the oven but you should be able to feel them getting crispy and they should no longer feel real soft or squishy in the middle.
  10. Continue cooking until you reach your desired crispiness. Unless your oven cooks really hot, or you choose to slice yours really thin, you will most likely need close to the full 4 hours of cooking time.